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Ochi S, Yamada K, Saito T, Saido TC, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo K. Effects of early tooth loss on chronic stress and progression of neuropathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease in adult Alzheimer’s model AppNL-G-F mice, Front. Aging Neurosci., 2024 Sec. Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Volume 16-2024 https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2024.1361847.

Dohi A, Noguchi T, Yamashita M, Sasaguri K, Yamamoto T. Mori Y. Acute stress transiently activates macrophages and chemokines in cervical lymph nodes. Immunologic Research, 2024, doi.org/10.1007/s12026-023-09409-w.

Hisada C, Kajimoto K, Tsugane H, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY. Maternal chewing alleviates prenatal stress-related neuroinflammation mediated by microglia in the hippocampus of the mouse offspring. J Prosthodont Res 67:588-594, 2023. doi: 10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_22_00255.

Nabeshima T, Tsukamoto M, Wang KY, Mano Y, Arakawa D, Kosugi K, Tajima T, Yamanaka Y, Suzuki H, Kawasaki M, Uchida S, Nakamura E, Azuma K, Sakai A. Delayed cortical bone healing due to impaired nuclear Nrf2 translocation in COPD mice. Bone 173:116804, 2023.

Yanagihara N, Takada M, Ariyoshi H, Satoh N, Horishita T, Shao H, Tsutsui M, Kita T, Azuma K. Effects of pine nodule extract, Sho-ko-sen, on mental stress-induced changes in the autonomic nervous balance in young students. Curr Top Pharmacol 27:47-53, 2023.

Tamiya J, Sakaguchi W, Nakagawa K, Yamamoto T, Saruta J, Kubota N, Kawata A, Hasegawa I, Hamada N, Tsukinoki K. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and its related factors on mucosal epithelium of the tongue. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica, 56; 29-37, 2023 doi: 10.1267/ahc.22-00089.

Inoue M, Kimoto K, Honma Y, Tomita R, Manabe Y:Oral environment and cerebral blood flow in patients with neurodegenerative dementia: comparison of Alzheimer type dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies. Psychogeriatrics, 23, 23-31, 2023.

東 華岳, 林 春樹. イラストで学ぶ骨・関節・筋の解剖学. アドスリー,2023.

山本裕子, 高橋徹, 両角俊哉, 猿田樹理, 坂口和歌子, 清水智子, 東雅啓, 窪田展久, 河田亮, 槻木恵一. 米粉摂取がラット腸内細菌叢と唾液中IgAレベルに与える影響, 日本唾液ケア科学会誌, 2, 36-36, 2023.

宮崎透奈, 鈴木達也, 長谷川陽子, 吉村将悟, サンタマリア マリアテリース, 堀一浩, 山村健介, 小野高裕, 小野弓絵. 咀嚼行動の変容による認知機能と脳活動パターンの変化, 日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌, 2023年, 29(2), 110-111, https://doi.org/10.7144/sgf.29.110.

鈴木達也, 宮崎透奈, 長谷川陽子, 吉村将悟, サンタマリア マリアテリース, 山村健介, 小野高裕, 小野弓絵. 近赤外分光法を用いたガム咀嚼課題中の脳血流計測および皮膚血流ノイズ除去手法の評価, 日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌, 2023年, 29(2), 112-113, https://doi.org/10.7144/sgf.29.112.

長谷川陽子, 吉村将悟, 鈴木達也, 白水雅子, サンタマリア マリアテリース, 山村健介, 小野弓絵, 小野高裕. 摂取食品に対する情動変化が脳神経活動に与える影響, 日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌, 2023年, 29(2), 114-115, https://doi.org/10.7144/sgf.29.114.

本間優太,木本克彦,大野晃教,熊坂知就,服部慎太郎,星憲幸:咬合挙上における前頭前野の血流量の変化.日本デジタル歯科学会雑誌,11(3), 109-117,2022.

笛木賢治, 佐々木啓一, 眞鍋雄太, 木本克彦, 窪木拓男, 上田貴之, 安部友佳, 稲用友佳, 釘宮嘉浩, 白石成, 齋藤壮, 小林琢也, 橋本衛, 石川智久, 内海久美子, 池田学, 馬場一美:認知機能と口腔機能の相関に関する探索的研究(ECCO)プロジェクト : 活動の趣旨と内容. 日本補綴歯科学会誌, 15, 72-78, 2023.

Zhang JH, Tasaki T, Tsukamoto M, Wang KY, Kubo KY, Azuma K. Deletion of Wnt10a Is Implicated in Hippocampal Neurodegeneration in Mice, Biomedicines. 2022 Jun 25;10(7):1500. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10071500.

Zhang JH, Wang KY, Kubo KY, Azuma K. Chewing Behavior Attenuates Lung-Metastasis-Promoting Effects of Chronic Stress in Breast-Cancer Lung-Metastasis Model Mice, Cancers (Basel), 2022 Dec 1;14(23):5950. doi: 10.3390/cancers14235950.

Zhang JH, Tasaki T, Tsukamoto M, Wang K-Y, Azuma K. Deficiency of Wnt10a causes female infertility via the β-catenin/Cys19a1 pathway in mice. Int J Med Sci 19:701-710, 2022

Mano Y, Tsukamoto M, Wang KY, Nabeshima T, Kosugi K, Tajima T, Yamanaka Y, Suzuki H, Kawasaki M, Nakamura E, Zhou Q, Azuma K, Nakashima T, Tamura Y, Kozaki K, Nakazato K, Li YS, Kawai K, Yatera K, Sakai A. Oxidative stress causes muscle structural alterations via p38 MAPK signaling in COPD mouse model. J Bone Miner Metab. 40:927-939, 2022

Takahashi T, Tokunaga M, Okubo T, Ozeki M, Kapoor MP, Yasukawa Z. Lower Rate of Water Absorption of an Oral Rehydration Solution with Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum in Conscious Rats. Nutrients, 14(20), 4231, 2022.

Ono Y, Zhang X, Noah JA, Dravida S, Hirsch J. Bidirectional connectivity between Broca's area and Wernicke's area during interactive verbal communication, Brain Connectivity, 12(3), 210-222, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1089/brain.2020.0790.

Hasegawa Y, Sakuramoto A, Sakagami J, Shiramizu M, Suzuki T, Tachibana Y, Kishimoto H, Ono Y, Ono T. Emotional modulation of cortical activity during gum-chewing: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 964351, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2022.964351.

東 華岳. 血液脳関門.臨床精神薬理 25:917-918, 2022.

木本克彦:認知症と口腔機能〜エビデンスと医科歯科連携による新たなアプローチ〜. 日本歯科医師会雑誌, 75(8), 601-609, 2022. 3.

Zhou Q, Katano M, Zhang JH, Liu X, Wang KY, Iinuma M, Kubo KY, Azuma K. Chewing Behavior Attenuates the Tumor Progression-Enhancing Effects of Psychological Stress in a Breast Cancer Model Mouse, Brain Sci. 2021 Apr 9;11(4):479. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11040479.

Horiuchi R, Maki Y, Tokunaga M, Yamamoto Y, Tsukinoki K, Wilson DW, Buttar HS, Takahashi T. Education for Improving Children’s Behaviors during Eating in a Japanese Nursery School. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 9(6), 274-280, 2021.

Yamamoto Y, Morozumi T, Takahashi T, Saruta J, Sakaguchi W, To M, Kubota N, Shimizu T, Kamata Y, Kawata A. Effect of High Fat and Fructo-Oligosaccharide Consumption on Immunoglobulin A in Saliva and Salivary Glands in Rats. Nutrients, 13(4), 1252, 2021.

片岡加奈子, 玉置勝司, 小野弓絵, 星 佳芳, 生田龍平, 藤原 基. パラタルバーの位置の違いが発語時の脳活動に与える影響, 日本補綴歯科学会誌, 13(2), 135-145, 2021. https://doi.org/10.2186/ajps.13.135.

岡部聡子, 伊藤慎也, ?橋徹, 星千歳, 弓屋結, 本間杏菜, 根本絢香, 後藤あや. 若年女性を対象とした簡便な「鉄摂取尺度」の改訂および再現性の検討, 日本家政学会誌, 72(5), 251-259, 2021.


Kajimoto K, Hisada C, Ochi S, Yoshikawa E, Suzuki A, Tsugane H, Zhang JH, Iinuma M, Kubo KY, Azuma K. Maternal chewing improves prenatal stress-induced cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior associated with alternations of the apoptotic response and serotonin pathway in mouse offspring. Archives of Oral Biology, 2021; 130:105245.

Kubo KY, Ogasawara A, Tsugane H, Iinuma M, Takahashi T, Azuma K. Environmental enrichment improves hypomyelination, synaptic alterations, and memory deficits caused by tooth loss in aged SAMP8 mice. Archives of Oral Biology, 2021; 123:105039.

Noah JA, Zhang X, Dravida S, Ono Y, Naples AJ, McPartland JC, Hirsch J. Real-Time Eye-to-Eye Contact is Associated with Cross-Brain Neural Coupling of Angular Gyrus and Fusiform Gyrus. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 19, 2020.

Kuriki S, Higuchi S, Nakayama H, Mihara S, Okazaki Y, Ono Y, Kobayashi H. Neurobiological influence of comorbid conditions in young patients diagnosed with gaming disorder: a whole-brain functional connectivity study based on a data driven method, PLOS ONE, 15(5), e0233780, 2020.

Katano M, Kajimoto K, Iinuma M, Azuma K, Kubo KY. Tooth loss early in life induces hippocampal morphology remodeling in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) mice. International Journal of Medical Science, 17, 517-524, 2020.

Zhou Q, Suzuki A, Iinuma M, Wang K-Y, Kubo KY, Azuma K. Effects of Maternal Chewing on Prenatal Stress-Induced Cognitive Impairments in the Offspring via Multiple Molecular Pathways. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2020; 21:5627.

Zhou Q, Katano M, Zhang JH, Liu X, Wang KY, Iinuma M, Kubo KY, Azuma K. Chewing Behavior Attenuates the Tumor Progression‐Enhancing Effects of Psychological Stress in a Breast Cancer Model Mouse. Brain Sciences, 2021; 11:479.

Yamamoto T, Sasaguri K, Mizumoto N, Suzuki H. The chemokine CXCL14-like immunoreactivity co-exists with somatostatin, but not NPY in the rat dorsal horn and has intimate association with GABAergic neurons in the lateral spinal nucleus. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica, 53, 121-129, 2020.

Sekido D, Otsuka T, Shimazaki T, Ohno A, Fuchigami K, Nagata K, Yamaguchi T, Kimoto K. Comparison of cerebral cortex activation induced by tactile stimulation between natural teeth and implants. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 12(11), e1021-e1026, 2020. doi: 10.4317/jced.57463

Nagashima S, Kimoto K, Ono Y, Ohno A, Hoshi N, Fuchigami K, Manabe Y. The effect of masticatory behaviour on generalized attention in healthy volunteers. Psychogeriatrics, 20, 254-261, 2020.

Yamamoto Y, Morozumi T, Takahashi T, Saruta J, To M, Sakaguchi W, Shimizu T, Kubota N, Tsukinoki K. Faster short-chain fatty acid absorption from the cecum following polydextrose ingestion increases the salivary immunoglobulin A flow rate in rats. Nutrients, 12(6), 10.3390, 2020.

Horiuchi R, Maki Y, Shirokoshi K, Tokunaga M, Singh RB, Wilson DW, Buttar HS, Takahashi T. Analysis of the factors controlling the abdominal circumferences in Japanese high school students using the Bayesian network. Journal of Food and Nutrition, 6, 1-7, 2020.

久保金弥. 噛むことと脳機能, 保健の科学, 62(7), 441-445, 2020.

森寺亜伊子, 榛葉俊一, 古井光信, 井上真澄, 東華岳, 坂徳子, 久保浩明, 麦島剛. 自然発症高血圧ラット(SHR)におけるペア刺激聴覚性事象関連電位の波形昇降相違性: 注意欠如・多動性障害の感覚ゲーティング不全との関連. 生理心理学と精神生理学 (J-STAGE での早期公開 公開日: 2020/12/10)

木本克彦. 咀嚼と認知症に関する研究レビューと今後の研究展開, 日本補綴歯科学会誌, 12(2), 135-143, 2020.

飯沼光生. 妊娠中のストレスに対する咀嚼運動が仔マウスの脳機能障害に及ぼす影響,日本歯科医師会誌, 73(3), 19−29, 2020

Kubo KY, SuzukiA, Iinuma M, Sato Y, Nagashio R, Ohta E, Azuma K. Vulnerability to stress in mouse offspring is ameliorated when pregnant dams are provided a chewing stick during prenatal stress, Archives of Oral Biology, 97, 150-155, 2019.

Tachibana K, Suzuki H, Yamashita M, Yamamoto T. Distribution, nature, and origin of CXCL14-immunoreactive fibers in rat parotid gland. Neuroscience Letters, 704, 21-27, 2019.

Tachibana A, Noah JA, Ono Y, Taguchi D, Ueda S. Prefrontal activation related to spontaneous creativity with rock music improvisation: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Scientific Reports, 9, 16044, 2019.

Tanabe J, Ogura Y, Nakabayashi M, Nagai Y, Watanabe S, Sugaya T, Ohata K, Ichikawa D, Inoue K, Hoshino S, Kimura K, Shibagaki Y, Ono Y, Kamijo-Ikemori A. The possibility of urinary L-type fatty acid binding protein as a biomarker of renal hypoxia in spontaneously diabetic Torii fatty rats. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, 44(6), 1476?1492, 2019.

Dravida S, Ono Y, J. Noah JA, Zhang X, Hirsch J. Co-localization of theta band activity and hemodynamic responses during face perception: Simultaneous EEG and fNIRS recordings. Neurophotonics, 6(4), 45002, 2019.

Ozana N, Noah JA, Zhang X, Ono Y, Hirsch J, Zalevsky Z. Remote photonic sensing of cerebral hemodynamic changes via temporal spatial analysis of acoustic vibrations. Journal of Biophotonics, e201900201, 2019.

Sakimoto Y, Mizuno J, Kida H, Kamiya Y, Ono Y, Mitsushima D. Learning promotes subfield-specific synaptic diversity in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Cerebral Cortex, 29(5), 2183-2195, 2019.

Ichinose M, Nakabayashi M, Ono Y. Difference in the integrated effects of sympathetic vasoconstriction and local vasodilation in human skeletal muscle and skin microvasculature. Physiological Reports, 7(7), e14070, 2019.

Horiuchi1 R, Maki Y, Shirokoshi K, Tokunaga M, Singh RB, Wilson DW, Buttar HS, Takahashi T. Conditions for the appearance and Disappearance of dislikes of food in Japanese students. Journal of Food and Nutrition 5, 1-8, 2019.

Yamamoto Y, Saruta J, Takahashi T, To M, Shimizu T, Hayashi T, Morozumi T, Kubota N, Kamata Y, Makino S, Kano H, Hemmi J, Asami Y, Nagai T, Misawa K, Kato S, Tsukinoki K. Effect of ingesting yogurt fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus OLL1073R-1 on influenza virus-bound salivary IgA in elderly residents of nursing homes: a randomized controlled trial. Acta odontologica Scandinavica, 77(7), 517-524, 2019.

生田龍平, 玉置勝司, 小野弓絵, 片岡加奈子, 藤原 基. パラタルバーの位置が嚥下時の脳活動に及ぼす影響. 日本補綴歯科学会誌, 11(3), 245-254, 2019.

長島信太朗, 大野晃教, 星憲幸, 木本克彦. 咀嚼と認知機能との関連性−記憶,注意,遂行機能からの検討−. 日本咀嚼学会雑誌, 29(2), 65-70, 2019.

小野弓絵,歯痛と口腔違和感の脳機能イメージング・診断・治療.日本顎関節学会雑誌,31(2),100-105, 2019. (総説)

小野弓絵,いまさら聞けない信号処理.生体医工学,57(2-3), 75-80, 2019 (解説記事)

Azuma K, Toyama T, Katano M, Kajimoto K, Hayashi S, Suzuki A, Tsugane H, Iinuma M, Kubo KY. Yokukansan ameliorates hippocampus-dependent learning impairment in senescence-accelerated mouse, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 41, 1593-1599, 2018.

Azuma K, Zhou Q, Kubo KY. Morphological and molecular characterization of the senile osteoporosis in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 6 (SAMP6). Medical Molecular Morphology, 51, 139-146, 2018.

Kubo KY, Kotachi M, Suzuki A, Iinuma M, Azuma K. Chewing during prenatal stress prevents prenatal stress-induced suppression of neurogenesis, anxiety-like behavior and learning deficits in mouse offspring. International Journal of Medical Science, 15, 849-58, 2018.

Ono Y, Wada K, Kurata M, Seki N. Enhancement of motor-imagery ability via combined action observation and motor-imagery training with proprioceptive neurofeedback. Neuropsychologia, 114, 134-142, 2018.

Tani M, Ono Y, Matsubara M, Ohmatsu S, Yukawa Y, Kohno M, Tominaga T. Action observation facilitates motor cortical activity in stroke patients with hemiplegia. Neuroscience Research, 133, 7-14, 2018.

Ichinose M, Nakabayashi M, Ono Y. Sympathoexcitation constrains vasodilation in the human skeletal muscle microvasculature during post-occlusive reactive hyperemia. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 315(2), H242-H253, 2018.

Hirsch J, Noah JA, Zhang X, Dravida S, Ono Y. A Cross-Brain Neural Mechanism for Human-to-Human Verbal Communication. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13(9), 907-920, 2018.

Ono Y, Esaki K, Takahashi Y, Nakabayashi M, Ichinose M, Lee KJ. Muscular blood flow responses as an early predictor of the severity of diabetic neuropathy at a later stage in streptozotocin-induced type I diabetic rats: a diffuse correlation spectroscopy study. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(9), 4539-4551, 2018.

Onuki M, Yamamoto T, Sasaguri K, Yamada K, Okada N, Kawata T. Chewing ameliorates the effects of restraint stress on pERK-immunoreactive neurons in the rat insular cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 674: 60-65, 2018.

Sasaguri K, Yamada K, Yamamoto T. Uncovering the neural circuitry involved in the stress-attenuation effects of chewing. The Japanese Dental Science Review, 54, 118-126, 2018.

Azuma K, Zhou Q, Niwa M, Kubo KY. Association between mastication, the hippocampus, and the HPA axis: a comprehensive review. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2017 Aug 3;18(8). pii: E1687. doi: 10.3390/ijms1808168718.

Azuma K, Ogura M, Kondo H, Suzuki A, Hayashi S, Iinuma M, Onozuka M, Kubo KY. Maternal active mastication during prenatal stress ameliorates prenatal stress-induced lower bone mass in adult mouse offspring. International Journal of Medical Science, 14, 348-355, 2017.

Kubo KY, Murabayashi C, Kotachi M, Suzuki A, Mori D, Sato Y, Onozuka M, Azuma K, Iinuma M. Tooth loss early in life suppresses neurogenesis and synaptophysin expression in the hippocampus and impairs learning in mice. Archives of Oral Biology, 74, 21-27, 2017.

Hirsch J, Zhang X, Noah JA, Ono Y. Frontal temporal and parietal systems synchronize within and across brains during live eye-to-eye contact. NeuroImage, 157, 314-320, 2017.

Kubota M, Ono Y, Ishiyama A, Zouridakis G, Papanicolaou A. Magnetoencephalography reveals mismatch field enhancement from unexpected syntactic category errors in English sentences. Neuroscience Letters, 662, 195-204, 2017.

Nakabayashi M, Ono Y. Detection of blood flow speed in shallow and deep tissues using diffuse correlation spectroscopy. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, 6, 53-58, 2017.

Sasaguri K, Yamada K, Narimatsu Y, Oonuki M, Oishi A, Koda K, Kubo KY, Yamamoto T, Kadoya T. Stress-induced galectin-1 influences immune tolerance in the spleen and thymus by modulating CD45 immunoreactive lymphocytes. The Journal of Physiological Science, 67, 489-496, 2017.

Suzuki H, Yamada K, Matsuda Y, Onozuka M, Yamamoto T. CXCL14-like immunoreactivity exists in somatostatin-containing endocrine cells, and in the lamina propria and submucosal somatostatinergic nervous system of mouse alimentary tract. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica, 50, 149-158, 2017.

Setsu R, Hirano Y, Tokunaga M, Takahashi T, Numata N, Matsumoto K, Masuda Y, Matsuzawa D, Iyo M, Shimizu E, Nakazato M. Increased subjective distaste and altered insula activity to umami in patients with bulimia nervosa. Front Psychiatry, 8, 172, doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.

YamamotoY, Takahahi T, To M, Nakagawa Y, Hayashi T, Saruta J, Tsukinoki K. Continuous intake of polydextrose and lactitol combination stimulates fermentation in the cecum and salivary IgA secretion in rats. Journal of Oral Science, 59(4), 603-610, 2017.

Wilson D, Keith G, Harpal B, Ram S, De Fabien M, Agnieszka W, Takahashi T. Therapy through Social Medicine: Cultivating Connections and Inspiring Solutions for Healthy Living. AIMS Medical Science, 2017, 4(2): 131-150.doi: 10.3934/medsci.2017.2.131.

Tsuruta M, Takahashi T, Tokunaga M, Iwasaki M, Kataoka S, Kakuta S, Soh I, Awano S, Hirata H, Kagawa M, Ansai T. Relationships between pathologic subjective halitosis, olfactory reference syndrome, and social anxiety in young Japanese women. BMC Psychology, 2017 14;5(1):7. doi: 10.1186/s40359-017-0176-1.

Mori D, Miyake H, Mizutani K, Shimpo K, Sonoda S, Yamamoto T, Fujiwara S, Kubo KY. Effects of occlusal disharmony on the hippocampal dentate gyrus in aged senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8). Archives of Oral Biology, 65, 95-101, 2016.

Suzuki A, Iinuma M, Hayashi S, Sato Y, Azuma K, Kubo KY. Maternal chewing during prenatal stress ameliorates stress-induced hypomyelination, synaptic alterations, and learning impairment in mouse offspring. Brain Research, 1651, 36-43, 2016.

Ueda M, Li S, Itoh M, Wang MX, Hayakawa M, Islam S, Tana, Nakagawa K, Chen H, Nakagawa T. Expanded polyglutamine embedded in the endoplasmic reticulum causes membrane distortion and coincides with Bax insertion. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 474, 259-63, 2016

Miyake H, Mori D, Katayama T, Fujiwara S, Sato Y, Azuma K, Kubo KY. Novel stress increases hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in mice with a raised bite. Archives of Oral Biology, 68, 55-60, 2016.

Kondo H, Kurahashi M, Mori D, Iinuma M, Tamura Y, Mizutani K, Shimpo K, Sonoda S, Azuma K, Kuno KY. Hippocampus-dependent spatial memory impairment due to molar tooth loss is ameliorated by an enriched environment. Archives of Oral Biology, 61, 1-7, 2016.

Ono Y, Saitow F, Konishi S. Differential modulation of GABAA receptors underlies postsynaptic depolarization- and purinoceptor-mediated enhancement of cerebellar inhibitory transmission: a non-stationary fluctuation analysis study. PLoS One, 11(3), e0150636, 2016.

Ono Y, Ishikawa Y, Munakata M, Shibuya T, Shimada A, Miyachi H, Wake H, Tamaki K. Diagnosis of occlusal dysesthesia utilizing prefrontal hemodynamic activity with slight occlusal interference. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 2(2), 129-135, 2016.

Teramoto S, Inaoka T, Ono Y. Regional brain activity that determines successful and unsuccessful working memory formation. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2016, 5550-5553, 2016.

Kojo A, Yamada, K, Yamamoto T. Glucose transporter 5 (GLUT5)-like immunoreactivity is localized in subsets of neurons and glia in the rat brain. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 74, 55-70, 2016.

Sasaguri K, Yamada K, Narimatsu Y, Oonuki M, Onishi A, Koda K, Kubo KY, Yamamoto T, Kadoya T. Stress-induced galactin-1 influences immune tolerance in the spleen and thymus by modulating CD45 immunoreactive lymphocytes, The Journal of Physiological Science, 10.1007/s12576-016-0478-8, 2016.

Ito K, Saito Y, Yamaguchi M, Ashida K, Yamaji T, Itoh H, Takahashi T, Oda M. Addition of whey peptides to a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink enhances its effect on the early treatment of dehydration in rats. Food Science and Technology Research, 22(5), 623-629, 2016.

Yamamoto Y, Takahahi T, To M, Nakagawa Y, Hayashi T, Shimizu T, Kamata Y, Saruta J, Tsukinoki K. The Salivary IgA flow rate is increased by high concentrations of short-Chain fatty acids in the cecum of rats ingesting fructooligosaccharides. Nutrients, 17, 8(8), pii: E500. doi: 10.3390/nu8080500.

Azuma K, Furuzawa M, Fujiwara S, Yamada K, Kubo KY. Effects of Active Mastication on chronic stress-induced bone loss in mice. International Journal of Medical Science, 12, 952-957, 2015.

Endo S, Nishiyama A, Suyama M, Takemura M, Soda M, Chen H, Tajima K, El-Kabbani O, Bunai Y, Hara A, Matsunaga T, Ikari A. Protective roles of aldo-keto reductase 1B10 and autophagy against toxicity induced by p-quinone metabolites of tert-butylhydroquinone in lung cancer A549 cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 234, 282-289, 2015.

Kurahashi M, Kondo H, Iinuma M, Tamura Y, Chen H, Kubo KY. Tooth loss early in life accelerateds age-remlated bone deterioration in mice. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 235, 29-37, 2015.

Kubo KY, Iinuma M, Chen H. Mastication as a stress-coping behavior. BioMedical Research International, 2015, 876409, 2015, doi: 10.1155/2015/876409.

Chen H, Iinuma M, Onozuka M, Kubo KY. Chewing maintains hippocampus-dependent cognitive function. International Journal of Medical Science, 12, 502-509, 2015.

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Onishi M, Iinuma M, Tamura Y, Kubo KY. Learning deficits and suppression of the cell proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of offspring are attenuated by maternal chewing during prenatal stress. Neuroscience Letters, 560, 77-80, 2014.

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